Overdiagnosed PDF
By:H. Gilbert Welch
Published on 2011-01-18 by Beacon Press
From a nationally recognized expert, an exposé of the worst excesses of our zeal for medical testing Going against the conventional wisdom reinforced by the medical establishment and Big Pharma that more screening is the best preventative medicine, Dr. Gilbert Welch builds a compelling counterargument that what we need are fewer, not more, diagnoses. Documenting the excesses of American medical practice that labels far too many of us as sick, Welch examines the social, ethical, and economic ramifications of a health-care system that unnecessarily diagnoses and treats patients, most of whom will not benefit from treatment, might be harmed by it, and would arguably be better off without screening. Drawing on twenty-five years of medical practice and research on the effects of medical testing, Welch explains in a straightforward, jargon-free style how the cutoffs for treating a person with |abnormal| test results have been drastically lowered just when technological advances have allowed us to see more and more |abnormalities,| many of which will pose fewer health complications than the procedures that ostensibly cure them. Citing studies that show that 10 percent of two thousand healthy people were found to have had silent strokes, and that well over half of men over age sixty have traces of prostate cancer but no impairment, Welch reveals overdiagnosis to be rampant for numerous conditions and diseases, including diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, gallstones, abdominal aortic aneuryisms, blood clots, as well as skin, prostate, breast, and lung cancers. With genetic and prenatal screening now common, patients are being diagnosed not with disease but with |pre-disease| or for being at |high risk| of developing disease. Revealing the economic and medical forces that contribute to overdiagnosis, Welch makes a reasoned call for change that would save us from countless unneeded surgeries, excessive worry, and exorbitant costs, all while maintaining a balanced view of both the potential benefits and harms of diagnosis. Drawing on data, clinical studies, and anecdotes from his own practice, Welch builds a solid, accessible case against the belief that more screening always improves health care.
This Book was ranked at 17 by Google Books for keyword Health Fitness Dieting Sexual Health best seller.
Book ID of Overdiagnosed's Books is yNXXeitxtRwC, Book which was written byH. Gilbert Welchhave ETAG "kuwOC2V0gHk"
Book which was published by Beacon Press since 2011-01-18 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780807022016 and ISBN 10 Code is 0807022012
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "248 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true
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